What we do
Welcome to The Good Heart
We are a group of local people who want to explore and encourage kindness in our home town of Frome, because:
we are all capable of kindness
kindness is good for our health, wellbeing and relationships
the world is a better place when we are kind to each other and ourselves
In Phase One (2018-2021) we opened a friendly and affordable pay-it-forward café, run by our friends at Tibetan Memories and supported other local non-profits who share our values.
In Phase Two we’re developing a range of events and activities that promote health, wellbeing and warm-heartedness. Please join us!
The story so far...
Aug 2017
July 2018
Sept 2018
Nov 2019
March 2020
April 2020
Aug 2021
Nov 2021
Dec 2021
Mar 2022
Nov 2022
Mar 2023
Purchase of the building
Renamed The Good Heart. Tibetan Memories opened the café
150 children and adults enjoyed the creation of a Tibetan Sand Mandala
A range of local organisations used the building for meetings and events
World Kindness Day: a feast of kindness, with free meals for all
Shoe appeal in partnership with Refugee Action in Somerset East (RAISE)
Heartspace begins: a daily online opportunity for connection and support
We survived the lockdowns! (and carried out some major building works)
Application for charity status to the Charity Commission
Melanie Dalton joined the team as our part-time Development Worker
Planning began for the first Frome Kindness Festival in March 2022
Our first online Kindness Advent Calendar
We held the first Frome Kindness Festival
The Good Heart became part of the Warm Spaces initiative
The second Frome Kindness Festival was a great success