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Newsflash! More exciting updates...

We are featuring in KindFest 2023 today! Kindfest: a national celebration of kindness We're excited to share that The Good Heart has been selected for a national event called Kindfest which celebrates all things kind and links up with World Kindness Day which is on Monday 13th November. Just after 2pm today they will be screening an 18-minute video created for us by volunteer Simon Keyes. The title of the video, Kindness is the glue that binds communities together, is taken from the 1st Annual Frome Kindness Lecture given by Professor Robin Banerjee in March 2023. It looks at: What happens when a group of local volunteers come together in the name of kindness? What difference can it make, both for individuals and the community? What does kindness actually mean, at the grassroots, and where does it lead? You can get a free ticket for Kindfest at, and will then be able to view all their material (including our video) for up to a month afterwards.


Warm Spaces 2023

Winter is nearly here, and for the second year running The Good Heart is happy to participate in the national Warm Spaces initiative. In addition to our free hot drinks and pay-it-forward meals, we're offering a wide range of free groups and drop-ins. Please help pass the word on to anyone you know who might welcome the opportunity to be in a warm and friendly place for a few hours. Vicki is also looking for additional volunteers to support this work - if that's of interest, drop her a line at Many thanks to Frome Town Council for helping to fund our additional expenses for this work.


Save the Date! In addition to the third Frome Kindness Festival (16 - 22 March 2024) The Good Heart will be offering some lovely activities and events to bring warmth and cheer to cold winter evenings in the New Year. These will include a new course called JOYWORKS with Heartspace leader Paul Wielgus (at 7pm on Wednesday evenings, from 10th January to 13th March) and HOW TO BE MORE KIND, a five-week series of workshops and discussions for anyone with an interest in kindness which will take place on Tuesday evenings in February and March. If you'd like to get involved with the Kindness Festival, our next volunteer meet-up is from 5 - 6pm on Sunday 19th November at The Good Heart.

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