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Flowers donated by local supermarkets were added to Fair Frome food packages

If you feel you are someone who has supported the 2023 Frome Kindness Festival but you are not on the list, please let us know.  We don't want to miss anyone out!


Frome Kindness Festival simply couldn't happen without the enormous support we receive from groups, businesses and individuals in Frome.  These are just some of the people who have helped us in 2023...


Alison Dray

Alison Hogg

Amelie O'Connor

Angie Hyde-Mobbs

Arlene Miller

Beck Saxon

Becks Mau

Becky Ravenscroft

Caroline Sherrard

Chloe Raeburn

Dalma & Paul Luttrell

Dougie Brown

Edith Cox

Elanor Steel

Emma Le Lohe

Fi Underhill

Frome College Students

Frome French Group

Gareth Phillips

Gerrard Cranshaw


Jamie Bartholomew

Jean Boulton

Jenny Jopson

Jen Shackleford

Jo Fiducia

Jo Kirk

Julia Perrella

Karen Creffield

Karine Butchart

Kate Smith

Kate Cochrane

Katie Marshall

Keith Whitmore

Kevin Ross

Laisa Carvalho

Leila Stamford

Lolita Parslow

Louis Caro

Luna Brudenell

Maggie Sheppard

Melody Hunter-Evans

Netta Tayler

Nick Petts

Noelle Grierson

Paul & Sara (Caravan towing)

Peter Burns

Peter Evans

Rachel Mackay

Rose Hunter

Runa Ayres

Sam Wilkins

Sara Butler-Bartholomew

Sarah Phillips

Seanne Court

Sharon Smith

Sheila Gore

Simon Bishop

Sophi Wilkinson

Steph Wahowski

Steve Creffield

Stoney Parsons

Stuart Dalton

Sue Cullip

Sue Stanbury

Tamsyn Gill

Teresa Hadland

Theresa Brockway

Tina Meldon

Treya Creffield

Vince Tillman



Amy Kolarides

Annabel MacFadyen

Annie Bourne

Bessie Bidder

Bill Palmer

Charlotte Carson

Cheryl Sprinkler - Mojo Moves

Claudia Hammond

Danny Green

David Curtis

Dom Conway

Emma Parker

Emma Webb

Eva Warman

Frome Rock Choir

Frome Street Bandits

Gemma Annan

Heather Truesdall

Helen Kingston

Hope Norman

Jackdaws Songbirds

Dr Jean Boulton

Kerry Kirwan

Kevin Ross - DramaKarma

Let’s Talk

Revd. Liz Dudley

Mary Henderson

Miriam Gould

Dr Nicola Grove


Professor Robin Bannerjee

Rupert Kirkham

Sarah Phillips

Simon Keyes

Teresa Hadland

Vajrasara Annie Rankin

Vicki Burke



Bennett Centre

The Frome Independent

Frome Library

Frome Town Hall

Mendip District Council Markets

Merlin Theatre

Pure Moves

Silk Mill

The Good Heart


Ali Towers

Peggy Callahan, Director of Mission:Joy

Yücel Oruz at Frome Medical Practise


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The Good Heart, 7 Palmer Street, Frome BA11 1DS

©2023 The Good Heart Frome CIC

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