The Good Heart Men's Space
The Good Heart's Men's Space is a supportive place for men of all ages

The Good Heart's Men's Space is a supportive place for men of all ages. It will offer the opportunity to explore aspects of masculinity and male behaviour, sharing experiences from our lives as men in a changing world. The Men’s Space seeks to create a culture of mutual support and is not designed as a therapy group. Each monthly meeting is limited to 8 men. Men are welcome to come once, or on an ongoing basis.
James Bartholomew has over 40 years experience in Mens Work, attending and running numerous men’s groups, Circles, gatherings and workshops in Frome and London.
Booking essential. Email james@jamesrossbartholomew.com to book
The Good Heart Men's Space is one of our 'Warm Space' offerings, supported by Frome Town Council