2025 Programme
We're very excited to announce this year's programme. See below for a list of events, and scroll down further to book.
Please note that the programme is evolving and new events may be added so please keep checking back for the latest updates!
2025 Frome Kindness Festival
15th - 22nd March
Forgiveness Pop-ups
Blurb here
kindness Jars
Blurb here
Throughout the week:
Kindness assemblies
Blurb here

Saturday 15th March
Market stall (launched by Anna Sabine MP) 10 – 3pm at Frome Market
​Forgiveness Listening Pod (Let’s Talk) TBC outside Frome Library
Superhero Fun Run tbc at Frome Showground
Frome Grief Network launch all day at Rook Lane
Kind Comedy evening Rook Lane
sunday 16th march
Kindness to Yourself (Dan Lupton) 10 – 3pm Online
Superhero Family Swap Shop morning at The Silk Mill
Sing Your Heart Out afternoon Badgers Hill
monday 17th march
Children’s Clothes Swap morning Wesley Church
The Healing Power of the Voice (Annie Bourne) evening Bennett Centre
tuesday 18th march
Kindness Lecture (Marina Cantacuzino) evening Frome Town Hall
wednesday 19th march
Menkind event (Simon ++) evening tbc
thursday 20th march
Town Litter Pick (Rachel Griffin) daytime Town centre
friday 21st march
​Grief Disco evening at The Lucky Chance
saturday 22nd March
The F word (exhibition/films/workshops) All day Bennett Centre
River Walk (Green & Healthy Futures) tbc River
Frome Rock Choir afternoon Boyles Cross